Comminuted Fracture Best Diagnosis & Treatment Methods

Fracture Best Diagnosis & Treatment Methods

Clumsy? Do you easily fall or break bones? Are your bones brittle as you age? Nighttime hospital visits normal? This is usually associated with the elderly or people with osteoporosis, but anyone can have it. A bone with two shattered pieces is called a comminuted fracture. Many people demand instant pain relief.  Doctors prefer adequate upkeep for longevity and stability. 

Comminuted Fracture 

There are few treatment trained doctors employ; go for them carefully and wisely. Comminuted fracture treatment becomes more complicated when bones break into three or more pieces. Multiple stressors and severances occur in this type of fracture. Surgery is probably impending. Treatment is difficult, and the risks can be severe. Surgeons use screws or special cement to repair very damaged bones. If bones don’t need surgery, realignment may work.

How are Comminuted Fractures Diagnosed?

To determine the fracture’s severity for therapy, several tests are required.  Following are the few best tests:


X-rays reveal additional fractures and bone damage.

MRI Scan

MRIs show damaged bones and their extent. The tissue around shattered bones can be seen in MRI. Traumatized muscles, connective tissues, and organs must be identified, which is costly.

CT Scan

CT scans are advanced MRI features. X-rays and imaging reports help surgeons see the damaged and impacted parts.

Bone Scan

The body absorbs radioactive material over time. Healing is shown in bones. However, several tests resemble bone scans. Doctors advise against it for stress fracture testing. Many lab tests are needed to check body function. The FRAX Tool calculates fracture risk. Doctors recommended many tests.  

  • Kidney function test
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Levels of calcium and vitamin D

Comminuted fractures are those that break bones. Traumas like car accidents can break bones into many smaller pieces. You will need surgery on your bone, and it could take a year to get better.

How to Manage & Treat

Taking care of broken bones that have become weaker ? If you have a long or big bone fracture, you need surgery to fix it. Your surgeon will utilize one of several methods to heal comminuted fractures, depending on your injuries, bone fracture, and other issues. Pain physicians in Dallas will straighten and stabilize your bones so they can mend and grow together. Surgeons usually insert metal pieces into your bone to hold it while it heals.Following are the  some internal fixing methods:

Top-to-Bottom Bone-Center Rod

Metal plates screwed into your bone to secure them.Pins and wires secure microscopic bone fragments. Typically used with rods or plates. You may need pins and wires to fix your comminuted fracture. Some folks have these bits forever. You may need more procedures to eliminate them. 

External Fixation

An external fixation may be needed. To stabilize your fracture while your injuries heal, this is usually temporary. Your surgeon will place screws on either side of the fracture and attach a bone brace or bracket. External fixation may precede invasive surgery for comminuted fractures. If you’ve been hurt more than once, your body might require time to heal before having surgery to fix something inside it.


If your comminuted fracture is badly displaced or not healing, bone grafting may be needed. Pain management in Dallas surgeons will use bone tissue to heal your fracture. After that, internal fixing will be used to keep the pieces together while the bone grows. Several sources provide bone grafts:

  • Usually from your hip bone’s top.
  • An outsider donor.
  • Fake replacement.

With outpatient comminuted fracture surgery, you can go home the same day. The trauma that caused your comminuted fracture may have induced secondary illnesses that require hospitalization. Your broken bone will be immobilized after surgery. Wearing a brace, splint, or cast may be necessary before weight-bearing. 

Non-Surgical Fracture Treatment

Doctors prefer minimally invasive, non-surgical fracture treatment. The body heals by clotting the damage. The fracture closes as new bone cells sprout on both sides. Fracture treatment aims to stop bleeding, infection, and bone death. Immobilization or traction can cure mild-to-moderate fractures.  

Casts, Splints, & Braces

Braces, splints, and casts are the most common fracture immobilization methods. These devices prevent bone movement and align the bones. The best device for you will be chosen by your doctor. Casts are the most common treatment, but braces and splints can restrict joint movement. If the fracture is very minor, it can be wrapped.


Weights, pulleys, and ropes gently align the bones in this procedure. Traction helps align and stabilize damaged bones, decrease discomfort, and improve restricted joints, muscles, and tendons.

How Long Does Comminuted Fracture Healing Take Time?

Other damaged bones heal faster than comminuted fractures. Complications are also more likely. Many comminuted fractures take a year to heal. The degree of your fracture and associated complications will determine how long your bone(s) heal.

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